La-Z Boy San Antonio Blog

What to Expect From La-Z-Boy's Interior Design Services

Written by Ryan Podnar | Nov 27, 2023 5:48:58 PM

If you are currently shopping for furniture, you already understand how fun this process can be. When you find that beautiful light blue couch, or tan leather couch, or even a coffee table that you know will go perfectly in your living room, it is a great day!

Even after finding the right furniture you desire, you may still have a few questions. Where is the right spot for the couch or recliner chair? Should I add anything else to make the room complete?

Not knowing where to begin when deciding on furniture can be just as fun of a beginning. Since you don’t have a preference yet, the options are wide open. That being said, it can be an overwhelming process additionally. It will likely be best to get the opinion of an interior designer to help you find the right furniture for your home.

Whether you are looking for a postmodern interior design or would just like some guidance, La-Z-Boy South Texas interior designers will give you the proper guidance on how to best design your room.

Today we will walk you through what you can expect from La-Z-Boy South Texas’ interior design services. After reading, you will have a clear understanding of our interior design services and if our services are right for you.

In this article…

What to Expect From La-Z-Boy’s Interior Design Services

Before you book an appointment with one of La-Z-Boy South Texas’ interior designers, it will be beneficial for you to know more about what our interior design services have to offer. Read on to learn more about La-Z-Boy South Texas’ interior design services!

What Features Can the Interior Designer Help Me With?

Many different components go into the process of designing a room. To ensure the right furniture is selected for your room, our interior designers are responsible for helping you find the right color furniture that will match the light of your room. La-Z-Boy South Texas’ interior designers have a keen eye when it comes to guiding you in the right direction to find the best furniture for your space.

Our interior designers will also help you pick out the texture of the furniture for your room. Whether you are looking for a postmodern interior design or a modern interior design for your room, choosing the right texture for your furniture goes a long way to set the mood.

Nancy Tindel, lead designer at La-Z-Boy San Antonio, says that when meeting with customers, she will make suggestions on where to place furniture or accessories, such as a coffee table or end table, based on layout and room size as well.

The interior designer’s job is to provide you with the best suggestions to help your dream room become a reality. Once they have met with you and have seen your space and the details you are looking for, our interior designers will generate a detailed floor plan and a 3D model based on the information you share. The 3D model will allow you to visualize your space, how the design will look, and where the furniture will be placed.

Meeting With the Interior Designer

Before the interior designer can generate a 3D image to help you visualize your dream room, you will need to set up an appointment with the interior designer. The best way to meet with one of our interior designers will be to come into the nearest La-Z-Boy store.

In the fast-paced world we all live in, we at La-Z-Boy South Texas also understand that you may not be able to come into a store. Whether you work from home or just prefer an in-home consultation, our interior designer will come to your home to meet with you if that is what it takes!

If you are wondering “How long will the meeting be?” The short answer is, as long as you need it to be! With years of interior design experience and meeting with customers, Nancy says that meetings can range from 30 minutes to a couple of hours. She also says that the meeting length largely depends on how much the customer knows about what our interior design services offer beforehand and their prior desires for how the room will ultimately look.

To make your visit with our interior designer’s visit as efficient and smooth as possible, reading this article is already putting you on the right track. By gaining this knowledge of what you can expect from La-Z-Boy South Texas interior design services, you will likely know what questions to ask.

If you would like more information on some of the most frequently asked questions regarding our interior design services, here are some of the main features of what our design services offer help with:

Color: Helping you find the colors that appeal most to you is the interior designer’s job!

Light: Whether you’re looking for more or less, the interior designer will help you find the perfect balance in your room.

Texture: Whether it’s leather, fabric, wood, or glass, combine the texture and elements to create the perfect room.

Mood: Combining the right color, lighting, and texture can create the perfect ambiance you desire for your room!

If you are new to interior design and do not have an exact vision of what you’d like your room to look like, our interior designers are prepared to help you see that vision no matter how long the meeting takes. Nancy says when meeting with customers, our interior designers’ main goal is to “Make you feel as comfortable as possible with the design and everything involved.”

For more information on our design services, check out our design services page on our website.

How Can You Help the Interior Designer?

You can simplify your visit with the interior designer by doing these three things beforehand.

Find Some Inspiration!

You may not have a concrete vision of what you want the interior design of your room to look like when it’s all said and done. That’s OK! There are many customers that we meet at La-Z-Boy South Texas that are similar.

You may get inspired by looking at examples of some interior design in other homes. A good place to start would be to look on Pinterest and search “Living room ideas” or “Home interior design”. You will be flooded with photos of existing or model homes that may spark some inspiration for how you want your room to look.

Measure Your Room

The interior designer needs to get as much detail as possible from you about your room. The most important detail in the process is the size and dimensions of your room.

In preparation for your meeting with one of our interior designers, best practice will be to measure your room. By doing this, you will give the interior designer important information to work with so they know the specifics of the space they are working with. They will also be able to provide you with a more accurate 3D image with correct measurements.

We understand that measuring a room can sometimes be a little tricky. If you need more information on how to do this, this article on how to measure a room will help you in that effort.

Take Pictures of Your Room

Taking pictures of the room from each corner for our interior designers will be very helpful for them as well. Whether it’s with your phone or a separate camera, the more pictures you take, the better!

Not only do pictures help our interior designers visualize how your room already looks, but it also gives them an idea of what is already in the room. For example, if you have a TV or an existing recliner chair in the room, our interior designers will get a jump on how to design around them or come up with suggestions on where to replace the existing items to maximize your dream room.

How Much Does An Interior Designer Cost?

If you are on a budget-conscious furniture shopping journey and would like for the interior design services to be the same, you will be pleased to know that there is no additional cost for La-Z-Boy South Texas interior design services!

Since La-Z-Boy South Texas furniture is, on average, more expensive than the rest of the market, we want to show our customers that they are paying for more than just the furniture. Whether you come into the store, schedule a call, or have the interior designer come to you, consider the interior designer's cost included in the furniture you buy at La-Z-Boy.

How Do I Set Up An Appointment?

After reading this article and learning more about what you can expect from our design services at La-Z-Boy South Texas, you probably have a much better idea of whether our services are right for you. If you are looking for a cost-friendly interior design service that even comes to your home, our design services will be right for you.

After you have done all your homework, you can book a design consultation through our website. Our interior designer can meet with you over the phone, in a virtual meeting, or even in your home.

If you are able, coming into the store is the best way to meet with our designers. This way, you will be able to see the multiple fabric and leather options available for the furniture. Best of all, you will be able to sit in the furniture yourself to see how it fits you, and how it will fit your room.

If you are interested, feel free to come into your local La-Z-Boy South Texas store and our in-house interior designers and design consultants will be happy to turn your dream room into reality!